Ticket Premium

Ticket Premium is a prepaid scratch card or a voucher with a code. This payment method is very secure. All the details about your credit card or bank account are kept confidential.

TICKET PREMIUM cards can be purchased by cash (25€, 50€ and 100€) in 20,000 locations, or online with a credit card.

For more information go to: //www.ticket-surf.com/how-does-it-work-5/

Trin for trin vejledning

  1. Select Ticket Premium deposit option on the EuroKingClub Deposit Page
  2. Indtast det beløb du ønsker at indbetale til din EuroKingClub konto
  3. You will be redirected to the Ticket Premium page where you should enter the PIN number
  4. EuroKingClub modtager bekræftelse af betalingen.
  5. Du vil modtage en bekræftelse fra EuroKingClub, at din betaling har været vellykket